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Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [En] O: Dont worry, i got my skin, we got this, A: Why do you guys have skins already lmao
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] A: Someone behind us!, O: And its a roadhog, how am i supposed to kill THAT?!, Z: Damn...this moira so pushy
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [En] O: oh, this is impossible
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] A: This is pretty crazy, I: NO NO, i cant, WAIT, Z: Wow, i saw a rock- btw Moira needs to die now, O: yeah and- NOOOOO THE MOIRAAAA
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. bless you
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] A: Please let me die, O: Oh already, and the two of you too lmao, Z: Wow someone is flying and sticking to me, O: AAAAA NOO, A: LET ME DIE PLEASE, O: I SAID NO LMAO
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] Z: This roadhog i swear, O: Dont worry, we can do this
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: And then there's that rando, over there, just pushing alone, Z: THEY GOT HEALED FULLY? NO! WHAT IS WITH THIS MOIRA??
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] Z: Junkrat? Okay i gotta kill this guy, O: I am staying here, A: wait wait- AAAAAAAA
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] I: Wow double heal omggg, let me choose assau- oh wait nvm
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] Z: Wow thanks for the buff, lesgo
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] I: oh that mo- ow ow ow, A: Where was they shooting me??, O: oh no...suddenly genji....
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: Please doint let them push, dont let them push, oh enemy mercy
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] I: Done, i killed them, A: KILL THE MERCY PLS, I: On it
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] I: her name may be mercy, but she doesnt give us any mercy, A: Ikr, Z: What should i use here...., O: Ah... we're so close!, Z: We need to stick together
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] Z: Do they haev 3 tanks?, O: They have rein and then mercy and..., I: Dont worry we got this, positive thinking guys
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] I: I will just flank, A: oh shoot what is happening- OH YOU AGAIN???
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN]A: Even reaching you guys are getting difficult, Z: oh nice!, A: nice we can move now, O: on my way, Z: What should i- oh this i guess
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: its okay, overtime is fine, as long as we are near the payload!
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [En] O: Remember the payload!
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: Ahh...dont mind, GG, NT, A: man...that was so....
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] I: someone in chat said "better to flank and stab their behind" so i am just gonna do that if we got tanked, O: Cmon, tank tank tank, ahh.....
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] Z: fine i will tank later, I: What is a tank anyway
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] A: oh he changed, O: Oh nice, they changed to Zarya, I: i am gonna wait here, oh nvm i am gonna flank them from this side
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: its okay, Live! dang ,one live and one died, Z: one life for another, A: OH NO THEY ARE STICKING TOGETHER LIKE A CIRCLE, I: Lets stick together too
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: i wanna heal you, but idk where you guys are, Z: Nice! all clean!, A: lets go! nice!
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: AAA AAA AAAAA AAAA AAAAHHHHRGGHHHH, Z: Ollie-senpai? You okay/??
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] A: me??, Z: Well then, lets go this way?, I: ah- well, thanks for moving me that way, Z: What was that, I: Who was flying? oh i took care of that
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [En] Z: idk where they are shooting... A: over there, I: OH WAIT WAIT, Z: Oh wow i am gonna die~, O: Pls, no, i am just a healer
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: LESGOOO, I: OUR BESTIEEE, Z: but we lost lmao, O: ITS OKAy, YOU GOT MVP
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] A: We need to win the next one, O: for sure, Z: But this is still warm up, I: yeah we only won once, O: oh we are Busan guys
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: NICE YOPIPI, A: Yopipi lesgooo, btw someone is up there, I: can this tank just stay here in the base, Oh geez
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: only the Dva left!, A: nice!, Z: The hamster...., A: oh no they returned- aaaa AAAAA, I: I can't- i can't!
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: They ran you over and then kill you, pretty annoying, yes, Z: Hmm....what if no tanks this entire stream??, A: There should be ONE TANK definitely tho
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] A: can i some heals, oh nvm, I: Bestie, behind you, some healing, Z: oh thank you, A: Wow what was that, Z: Ahhh a hanzo!
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: Vestia Zeta, Z: yes, Vestia Zeta here, btw how do i take care of that flying one? Oh man, this is crazy
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: Our random is....why are you looking at walls?
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: wah- wait wait-, I: oh no no, oh man.., A: Where are they- AH...well...
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: OH LOOK WHO GOT MVP AGAIN, A: vestia zeta lesgooo
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: oh his name is hotdog, i see lmao, I: Alright, last one bestie, A: New tank hero unlocked??, Z: THIS MEANS YOU GOT TO BE TANK NEXT, A: Well..i...hmm...i wonder...
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: The sombra too! A: oh cmon...whaaaaat aww man...omg, where should i go, i low key got lost, I: Dont worry, getting lost is an experience
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] Z: oh well, its fine, one live for another
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] I: Alright, he is dead, Z: Nice!!, O: FLY ZETA FLY!, Z: okay, here!, A: What?? You are here too?? oh no the D-va, oh no the mercy- OMG OMG
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] I: let me revenge you- OH NO, Z: oh no, watch out for the Dva, the unchi- wait i mean, O: ZETA?? WHAT THE ACTUAL-
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] Z: Honestly i am worse in my own stream, A: yeah evertime i tune in her stream i heard unchi, O: UNCHI~, A: yeah atleast one unchi every stream i tuned in
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] O: Woops wrong soundboard, nice, i meant the zeta soundboard, Z: lmao wrong soundboard, oh that one was- ah-
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] (Ollie playing with her soundboard of Zeta noises) Z: A shame that mine was broken yesterday lmao, A: Omggg
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] A: oh man, this Cassidy i swear
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] A: thanks guys, we are gonna meet again later Iofi senpai, otsu!!
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [ID] jadi kita bakal end streamnya disini, jangan lupa ke channelnya Anya, bisa raid ga ya
Kureiji Ollie Ch. hololive-ID https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2C51a1QyEk
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [EN] can i raid them, dang i still cannot raid, so Anya is gonna be playing Sims 4, she is gonna be making Holoro house!
Kureiji Ollie Ch. hololive-ID OTSUCRAZYYYY!!!
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. [En] Thanks for coming and dont forget to celebrate the ANYAVERSARY! Otsucrazy!!! bye bye!