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配信名:【Members Only】Dredd (2012) Movie Watchalong!!
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	22	491.98		69,785円
NT$	TWD	2	1575.00		7,286円
 A$	AUD	3	60.00		5,848円
  £	GBP	1	25.00		4,548円
CA$	CAD	2	33.00		3,539円
 R$	BRL	1	110.00		3,236円
RON	RON	2	100.00		3,130円
SGD	SGD	2	20.00		2,117円
MX$	MXN	1	250.00		2,076円
  ¥	JPY	2	2000.00		2,000円
MYR	MYR	1	60.00		1,844円
NZ$	NZD	2	16.50		1,454円
HK$	HKD	2	75.00		1,360円
  ₩	KRW	1	10000.00	1,111円
  ₱	PHP	1	275.00		699円
THB	THB	1	100.00		410円
----	----	----	----		110,443円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
US$10.00 gomerzillmer Speaking of making embarrassing presumptions; my grandfather was once in the hospital and was trying to make polite conversation with the nurse, he asked when her baby was due. She was not pregnant.
白麟 (IRySoCool)
US$10.00 GrumbleDogg෴ˁǂᴥಠˀ෴
It's probably been asked before, but have you thought about watching the John Wick movie series? Neat world-building and lots of action (and body count).
£25.00 ImShyRys I really enjoyed today, thank you. As an aside, I want to congratulate you on your cover. Your singing is good as usual and the people that worked on the MV did good too. Please work hard on whatever you're recording today.
US$10.00 Wrixne Lenti
Some of the comments about comedy/action had me thinking - Tropic Thunder (2008)? Might be good, I do say. (Your mannerisms give you personality, I like them.)
US$10.00 Garahel
You mentioned having watched Pulp fiction recently, i'd highly recommend watching Kill Bill, and Reservoir dogs too! Also any thoughts on opening the PS4 and games like Catherine and Disaster report?
NT$75.00 Luke Hong This is my first ever SC. Just want to ask that is there any chance we can get a vinyl version of your debut EP?irysPien
Mick McBaldy Don't forget to stream Idol!! irysHeart2irysHeart2irysByerysirysByerysirysPeekirysPeekirysCheerirysCheer2irysPatrysirysPatrys
EvansL I do say, STREAM IDOLirysGuyrys